A Visit to Abraham

A Visit to Abraham

Published on March 30, 2022

Is there anything to hard for the Lord? A few years ago I was instructed to listen to a message by our beloved prophet, "A Visit To Abraham" last night I was reading this very message about the three angel of the Lord visiting Abraham. 

The visit was so ordinary, you would not think it was God. They prepared meal for him, as if God could not create his own meal. The visit seemed ordinary, like a friend visiting a friend, everything Abraham offers them, they did not puffed up, they says yes as you wish; if you want to feed us we will eat with you. There is so much I learned reading this passage. 

Sometimes we say no to offers sometimes it God to say yes, I think we acting on humility when someone make an offer from God, you take it, it brings them joy and it blesses you. This amazing story unfold on Genesis chapter 18, where there was a discussion about Sarah will be having a baby in a year later, Sarah Laughed she didn't believe the word. 

The question was asked of her, "Is there anything to hard for the Lord." the interesting thing, happened, Sarah did not get the promise at the time promised, God proven to her even if it hears later, his promise eventually came to pass. She had Isaac many years later. 

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